Implantamos blockchain en el sello “Espacio Protegido Covid-19” de FENEVAL

We implemented blockchain in the FENEVAL “Covid-19 Protected Space” seal

It is the first application of this technology in the sector to guarantee users that rental cars are totally safe.

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Cloud y Ciberseguridad, así se consolida la transformación

Cloud and Cybersecurity, this is how the transformation is consolidated

You have to be in the clouds. After a huge leap in scale, cloud computing is confirmed as the engine of digitization. Your perfect match, cybersecurity.

In a recent interview, the head of cloud computing at Telefónica gave an amazing fact: in the first three weeks of the state of alarm in Spain, the market for these services grew more than in the previous five years. And that in that five years the cloud advanced positions year after year as a global technological trend.

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